Thursday 5 January 2012

Uneventful Year

Hi there!
Me again!
Hope you had great New Year and that the year continues to be as great for you. :)

2011 has gone by 2012 here. So far it seems to be as normal a year as it was for me last year. I didn’t take any New year’s resolutions. Or maybe I did…I’m not telling you. -_- But yes, I’m hoping for positive changes and I’m trying to implement them. For instance, look at my room… for the first time, it looks neat. It looks organized. It doesn’t look great but it’s as good as it’ll ever be. Just need to finish those creepers I was drawing on the wall.(Graffiti, don’t you just love it? :D)

I like to think of myself as a neat freak. Yes…but I’m lazier than I’m neat freaky so I might just be living in a dump J. But when I do get to working…I try to get stuff as neat and organized as possible. Ofcourse, that’s just what I like to think. You can make whatever thesis you like as long as you keep it to yourself. I know “freedom of speech a-blah a-blah and a- blah blah”…whatever, but if I don’t like your theory, I’m entitled to my own freedom of speech and….well, wouldn’t it be better to avoid such a war of freedoms?

It’s been a real long time since I’ve updated this blog. My deviantArt account is doing slightly better. The backpages of my notebooks are filled with scribblings, doodles and drawings and my hard disk is filled with unfinished works . Slowly, it will come to light, I hope.

For now, let me give you a glimpse of the backpages of my notebooks. 

Some of these have been digitalised...some are just waiting there...some have been scrapped. I'll let you know more next week :) Ciao!