Tuesday 22 March 2011

Three Monkeys

    Yes, Its been a long time and I've been itching to put up a post. My dear project, "The Three Monkeys" is finally here. I've taken inspiration from a lot of sources, so i thank them all. 

I'd like to specially thank my bud, Trishank for the laptop sitting on the grass in between the monkeys. He really wanted me to fit a Gandhiji in there somewhere( which I wasn't all that interested in doing at first) and came up with the idea, which for some reason I liked very much :)

The three monkeys, also called the three wise monkeys are Mizaru (who sees no evil), Iwazaru (who speaks no evil) and Kikazaru (who hears no evil). As you might get from the names, they're all Japanese. It is also widely believed that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi formulated the preachings of the monkeys, but there might be proof to say that he just supported these ideals. It is also said the the monkeys originated in the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius(on a sidenote, ever think why a Chinese guy was called Confucius? I mean it just doesn't sound Chinese does it?). All in all, the origins of the monkeys is shrouded in mystery. Maybe all that we can safely say for now is that the monkeys did originate in Asia.

Basically, the monkeys were a code of conduct. Just a way of saying do not stray into the path of evil. In the west though, it has come to mean feigning ignorance or overlooking things just cause its more convenient. i guess thats how the three new age monkeys were born,,,who See All, Hear All and Speak Out for Freedom.  I guess that would have indeed sounded nobler. 

My picture is more related to that, but basically I'm just trying to say...be happy and live with kindness. My Mizaru (yes, i guess u can't really call him Mizaru anymore cuz he can see, but lets just keep the name) is wearing 3D glasses so what he's saying is stop being one Dimensional and try to see through every angle. Iwazaru just wants to say that you have to speak your mind, because nobody can read it as well as you can and Kikazaru jus wants to say that you have to learn to listen, because listening brings understanding and understanding leads a way to acceptance and ultimately peace.

I wanted it to look a bit more cheerful and ummm...realistic (monkeys wearing clothes...who am I kidding?!)l, but i guess I messed up the colours and lighting. But I did my best...Maybe I'll come back and rework its colours later on, when I really get used to colouring on photoshop and finally get a handle on the tricks and techniques. Learning on your own can be a pain sometimes :) but you get to go on your own pace, which is nice. People, please do comment and tell me how you liked this picture and what you think of the concept behind it. 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

A Couple of new Concepts

Whoa... its been long since i posted anything eh? Its been a busy couple of weeks and will be for atleast another few. But, I've been working on this new concept, will put it up next week or so. I've finished the drawing, but theres lots of coloring and cleaning up left. To be honest, I'm quite excited about it and i really do hope that you'll like and comment on it.What the concept is...just u guys wait for it and see for yourself.

Till that comes out, let me present you with Nick. He's another concept. My lead character in a lil comic strip I want to start. But God knows, there's too many ideas and too many distractions leaving me with too little time.